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API Introduction & Overview

There are several APIs available to dynamic pricing customers:

  • Pricing API

  • Customer Information & Usage API

  • OpenADR API

Pricing API Overview

The Pricing API is a public endpoint that delivers dynamic pricing information (both current and historical) to any user. Pricing information can be requested ad-hoc through this endpoint.

Use Case


Used to either request historical dynamic prices, or to fetch current/forecasted prices

Pricing API - (GET) Pricing

Customer Information & Usage API Overview

The Customer Information & Usage API allows customers, or Automated Service Providers (ASPs), to request customer and account specific information (like account information, and account specific usage data). In order to request this “sensitive data”, the user must request a unique client ID and secret from the Utility, which is used as a secure token before receiving any customer data through the API. The token authentication details can be found here: POST Token Authentication

Use Case


Get information on a specific customer account who is serviced by the Utility or CCA

Customer Information & Usage API - (GET) Customer Info

Get information on usage subscription profiles on a specific customer account who is serviced by the Utility or CCA

Customer Information & Usage API - (GET) Customer Usage

  • For pre-billing usage subscriptions, request dates in the future

  • For post-billing usage subscriptions, request dates in the past based on last customer bill date

Get information on usage data on a specific customer account who is serviced by the Utility or CCA

Customer Information & Usage API - (GET Customer Usage)

OpenADR API Overview

The OpenADR Alliance was created to standardize, automate, and simplify Demand Response (DR) and Distributed Energy Resources (DER) to enable utilities and aggregators to cost-effectively manage growing energy demand & decentralized energy production, and customers to control their energy future. OpenADR standardizes the message format used for Auto-DR and DER management so that dynamic price and reliability signals can be exchanged in a uniform format among utilities, Independent Service Operators (ISOs), and energy management and control systems. The OpenADR API should be used to repeatable feed dynamic price data to devices in a common format.

Use Case


Create a subscription to automatically receive a feed of the price data as it’s published daily, in a standard format

OpenADR - (POST) Subscriptions

Receive a feed of the price data as it’s published daily (after creating a subscription)

OpenADR - (GET) Subscriptions

Get a list of all programs provided by the utility and other CCA providers

OpenADR - (GET) Programs

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